What Is The Enneagram and How Does It Orient Different Leadership Styles?

Leadership Styles and Mobility

For many folks they show up to work or to life in general in different ways and with different viewpoints.

In order to better help out others it is important to explore perspectives and to see how others view the world.

When it comes to different ways of thinking the Enneagram is a nice way to portray worldview and behavior and bring it to a higher level of understanding.

To help you really understand I will include the nine personality types as included in the enneagram.

Read through these personality types and see where you may potentially identify.

The nine various personality leadership styles are as follows:

  1. The King/Queen of Quality – A leader’s job is to set clear goals and direction. Their job is to provide feedback to others about what is right or wrong and inspire the team to achieve high standards.
  2. The Magic Mobilizer –A leader’s job is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of team members. The leader is to harness those strengths in others and motivate team members to deliver upon organizational goals while also developing themselves.
  3. The Results Raconteur – A leader’s job is to create a results-oriented atmosphere. The leader is to be a part of a winning team where people understand what the organization’s goals and structure is and where they fit in.
  4. The Passion Connector – A leader’s job is to create organizations that align with individual’s sense of meaning and greater purpose. The leader is to create teams that are inspired to do excellent, meaningful work.
  5. The Seeker Sage – Using the evidential approach to create success, this leader’s job is to develop effective organization through research and planning. The leader is to help the team experience the organization as one system with a common mission.
  6. The Reliable Aromachologist – A leader’s job is to solve organizational problems and work with his team and others to enable him to play his part in creating solutions. This leader encourages insight and finds acceptable solutions to increase loyal followers.
  7. The Ideas Gymnast – A leader’s job is to get people excited and to create innovative ventures. The leader is to help the team work in line with the vision and support the whole to identify a number of opportunities and run with them.
  8. The Determined Herdsmen – A leader’s job is to move the organization forward by being direct, decisive, and clear about expectations. The leader is to create a successful team by empowering capable and reliable people and direct them into the right jobs in order to get things done more efficiently. This leader harnesses talent.
  9. The Patient Warrior – A leader’s job is to help achieve the collective mission by creating a harmonious work environment. The leader is to enable a team to work together, play to strengths, and achieve and celebrate collective results regularly. This leader engages across the business.

The nine types of leadership personalities bring many different gifts which can be assessed and accessed at different times of need. In order to help someone find their type be sure to help them identify where their strengths are so that they can realize where they can become most useful.

Some people have leadership gifts that they may not be completely aware of. If you discover that you have specific talents and gifts be sure to harness it and build upon it.

In order to dig deeper, probe different questions and make an effort to self-identify. Be sure to consider the impact that you will have upon organizations as an individual as well as how you will affect other members as part of a team environment.

I encourage you to engage in new ways of thinking and adapting as you search to create new solutions.

Always ask yourself what have I learned today? Also ask, how can I contribute more to my organization moving forward?

Works Cited

  1. Crabb, Steve; Taylor, Marie. Business Coaching and Mentoring for Dummies 2nd Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2017. Print.