Is Social Media Damaging Your Psyche?

Social Media With the numerous social media outlets available in the world today, it isn’t uncommon for people to become trapped into these applications. Often times social media is a battleground between people’s ego’s and a simple way for people to share their life experiences with other people whom they’ve connected with previously in life. With social media you get some pros and cons. With that said, it appears that in the modern day a lot of people seem to suffer a lot more from the cons of social media. Many people get stuck in this mindset of endless comparison to other people. When people simply forget to live their own life and sit all day comparing themselves to other people and learning about how much better certain people have it in their life, it starts to damage the human psyche. Part of my life has been spent trying to discover ways in which I could obtain more happiness, and a lot of my happiness has been achieved through living life through experiencing it through my own eyes versus staring at a computer screen or smartphone social media app. What I hope to see in the future, is a continuation of social media, but rather for a different reason. I hope to see people using social media as a way to express their thoughts as well as a way to showcase changes that occur over time. In the future we may see more people boycotting social media as well as more people limiting their time on social media in order to be more productive in regards to reaching more...

How To Become A More Assertive Person

Forming assertive behavior habits is not to be confused with angry behavior. In fact being a passive aggressive person can be more of an expression of anger and stubbornness. The lack of assertive behavior is often due to the act of procrastination and holding off confrontation of fears. Being an assertive person comes down to your way of communication. The way that you communicate with your needs as well as your tasks that are assigned by others in your daily schedule of school or work is a reflection of assertiveness. Through taking action as an assertive person, you are essentially being friendly and personable with those you encounter, by forming positive relationships. Positive relationships with people are developed through the groundwork of rapport. In addition to having positive relationships, it also comes down to having a clear idea of WHERE you stand in life on various topics and knowing what areas of your life need the greatest work. An assertive person looks at specific areas of their life and wonders and asks how they can help themselves improve and reduce their stress by effectively managing time. Through the practice of assertiveness you begin to influence other people and recognize principles of wisdom. The practice of avoiding arguments that cause extra stir, showing respect towards other people’s opinions, and letting other people do more talking and doing more listening are all part of assertive behavior. The main characteristics of an assertive person come down to these main behaviors and techniques: Take Responsibility For Actions and Behaviors – For those who are eager to take responsibility of minor mistakes as well as...