How To Start Creating A More Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle

In order to create a more balanced and healthy lifestyle you need to begin to recognize the most important back bone areas that are associated with everyday life. These areas include spirit, healthy food, water, fitness, sleep, outdoor nature, and relationships.

To tell you the truth, I am no picture perfect person who lives a completely balanced life of health. Some people may look at my front page of my website and see me as someone who aspires to be rich. Honestly, I’m just someone who aspires for growth and a better lifestyle.

My foundations in my life have slipped up at times and I’ve had holes and problem areas with my life that have come and gone. My performance level has been inconsistent during different times in my life which has lead to frustration. But honestly, I’d say that part of being human is going through natural ups and downs and figuring out what works best.

For me the greater joy has been the self-discipline and self-reliance that develops along with sticking to healthy living by eliminating toxic foods and eating a balanced diet in combination with exercise.

My personal journey towards health and wellness has been filled with obstacles along the way. I’m still designing a way to figure out how to properly balance my time for healthy meal preparation and time for my family and friends through the course of a 168 hour week. I’ve felt like I was falling short of my desired performance at various times and I’ve been prone to continuous negative self-thoughts coming from my own thought patterns. In order to discover healing within, I’ve purchased numerous health books and researched countless hours searching for a better understanding of human health and happiness. I have found that I’ve been constantly tested by my aspirations of growing into something bigger and better by continuing to test myself as well as track and learn wherever opportunity presents itself.

The truth is that life is a struggle at times, and we all go through our own suffering but in different ways. Part of the struggle is finding a light and using that light to build a positive pathway. We all see value and measure value in different ways. The modern workforce has evolved and changed.

In many ways my life has been quite contradictory during my hours of vigorous studies and work, mostly because I’ve lacked the balance of steady sleeping patterns. In addition, the over-usage of electronics devices has lead to moodiness and depression to an extent since it has revealed the deeper human desire to continually research new ideas and ways of thinking.

The best cure has been the connection to the beautiful surroundings of nature. The breathe of fresh air and oxygen which gives the human body a sense of positive life-giving energy that lightens up the mindful-attitude and the soul.

Life may be filled with pollution such as big cities, highways, and factories emitting smoke. Life may also be filled with jobs, TV’s, and social media distractions which are all a part of daily living. However it is your choice to plant the seeds of healthy living and design your life in a way that best suits your optimal life of balance.

Reaching a state of balance may seem impossible almost like a lofty dream, but it’s the constant attitude of gratitude and growth that helps in the quest of healthy living.

If you are really striving to create a healthier and more balanced lifestyle try these following steps:

  1. Go for a half-hour walk each day.
  2. Work out and lift weights as part of a regimen between 3-5 days a week.
  3. Drink only water that is free of chemical additives and avoid soft drinks and sugar juices.
  4. Eliminate all the heavily processed shelf foods in your pantry that are refined and not whole food based.
  5. Eat outside no more than twice a week.
  6. Spend 15-45 minutes time outside each day in the sunshine to get vitamin D3 through your skin.
  7. Limit your television programming to 1 hr per day.
  8. Avoid smart phones, tablets, and computers 1 hr before bedtime.
  9. Sleep 8 hours per night without any electronics nearby.
  10. Make time to meditate and journal in order to reflect on growth and progress towards life goals.

There are ways to turn your life around and become more balanced. The good news is that we can tune into our selves and higher levels of consciousness during our waking states. We have alpha waves, beta waves, theta waves, and delta waves all affecting our consciousness from awakening all the way through deep REM sleep.

A healthy body, healthy soul, and healthy mind are all interconnected.