How To Become A More Assertive Person

Forming assertive behavior habits is not to be confused with angry behavior. In fact being a passive aggressive person can be more of an expression of anger and stubbornness. The lack of assertive behavior is often due to the act of procrastination and holding off confrontation of fears.

Being an assertive person comes down to your way of communication. The way that you communicate with your needs as well as your tasks that are assigned by others in your daily schedule of school or work is a reflection of assertiveness.

Through taking action as an assertive person, you are essentially being friendly and personable with those you encounter, by forming positive relationships. Positive relationships with people are developed through the groundwork of rapport. In addition to having positive relationships, it also comes down to having a clear idea of WHERE you stand in life on various topics and knowing what areas of your life need the greatest work.

An assertive person looks at specific areas of their life and wonders and asks how they can help themselves improve and reduce their stress by effectively managing time.

Through the practice of assertiveness you begin to influence other people and recognize principles of wisdom. The practice of avoiding arguments that cause extra stir, showing respect towards other people’s opinions, and letting other people do more talking and doing more listening are all part of assertive behavior.

The main characteristics of an assertive person come down to these main behaviors and techniques:

  1. Take Responsibility For Actions and Behaviors – For those who are eager to take responsibility of minor mistakes as well as bigger mistakes it shows true character. In order to build up leadership and take a correct course of action, one has to be conscious of their actions and behaviors that are hindering their growth.
  2. Be Clear About Communication – This is important since nowadays it is easy to get distracted with media on computers, phones, laptops, and tablets. If you add into the equation household priorities, work, and travel all of these activities alter time commitments. This is why it is so important to be clear about communication and deadlines. Communicating in a direct manner can be important in order to tell people about what it is that you want out of the situation. By expressing your desires and what you want out of the conversation you help solve mysteries, break patterns, and get synthesis through understanding the other person. With all that said, try not to come off as a forceful rude person, but rather someone who just doesn’t accept fearful behavior.
  3. State Opinions That Revolve Around Your Viewpoint of Reality – Everyone obviously has their own viewpoints and opinions and we’ll likely never completely have everybody on the same page of philosophy and understanding. With that said, it is important to have a stance on things and to utilize your opinions in order to affect and shape your reality. The world needs game-changers and in order to change the world in a positive manner one needs to be comfortable stating opinions and viewpoints by standing for something. Indifference doesn’t get noticed, people need trust and belonging through shared viewpoints of reality.
  4. Seek Alternative Views and Allow Others To Express Their View – By researching alternate forms of thought and viewpoints of living life to the fullest, it leads to a better understanding and open mind. In order to allow growth, it requires an open mind towards all subject matters even if you’re keen on opposition. Don’t be quick to judge, simply listen and express your voice when it’s called upon.
  5. Focus On Solutions Not Problems – This is important since everyone in the world has their own problems and dilemmas that are uniquely a part of their life. Not all people are free of problems and there are probably only a few rare people on the globe completely problem free. The beauty is that many problems are often made and created in our daily lives with some sort of solution that is obtainable. It’s really a simple technique, yet it takes a lot of practice to fully understand and get down. Focus on how you’re going to solve your greatest problems by looking deeper into solutions. Talk more about solutions and write down solutions. By doing so it will greatly aid your patience once problems begin to erupt out of the blue. Avoid negative thought patterns which keep you in a trap and take heavy action on solving problems. When you focus on solutions for your re-occurring problems you begin to develop an unstoppable mindset.
  6. Invite Suggestions or Solutions Into Your Life – Seek out solutions and suggestions from other people that you know well or observe how you live very well. Often times other people can have an interesting perspective of how you can begin to change your life, so don’t be afraid to invite new suggestions into your life in order to change your pace or break up thought patterns.
  7. Confront Your Problems and Don’t Use Avoidance Technique – This is an important concept to develop since it is human nature to want to avoid things initially, especially the ideas that strike fear. It is crucial to learn how to encounter fears and problems that are hindering your growth or holding you back from what you’re seeking. By encountering more of what it is that you normally avoid, you are breaking the bonds of your resistance that normally sets you back.
  8. Speak Aloud In A Warm Tone Not A Cold Tone – By speaking loudly rather than quiet like a mouse, you begin to command more attention and control. With that said, there has to be a median to a tone of voice which doesn’t represent excessively loud tones. People who speak excessively loud can be labeled arrogant, so it’s good to find a median in voice command which stirs up from the diaphragm and stomach regions. Speaking up is important for generating attention and maintaining attention.
  9. Maintain Direct Eye Contact With People – Having good eye contact with the people that you speak to on a daily basis helps maintain trust and improves direct communication. When you hold eye contact rather than gazing at your phone or looking around the room, it shows that you are confident in what it is that you’re communicating to other people.
  10. Maintain A Strong Erect Body Frame While Standing and Walking – This is important to display when entering any specific area or field of work. Having true confidence in appearance and displaying strong body language can be a big difference maker in determining how far you will go with accomplishing your goals and developing steady relationships. By developing a pose and positive view of your posture you are moving in a forward direction towards success with clients, patients, and everyday people that you encounter in daily life.
  11. Learn To Directly Communicate Your Needs, Wants, and Opinions – If you are serious about your needs, wants, and opinions, you will go ahead to communicate it to others. Being direct and assertive is a display of confidence in your views of upbringing. When you directly communicate you aren’t leaving anything hanging behind since you are truthful and avoid being fearful and timid.
  12. Stand Up For What You Believe In – The world today is fighting between division and unity all across the globe. Some people want to unify, on the other hand some people want to create hatred and chaos. In order to prevent the melting pot from stirring over, develop a strong faith in yourself and a strong system of beliefs that you can stand for. Don’t be afraid of encountering controversy. In the modern world we are tested by other people each day. Being laughed at or ridiculed is only temporary, you can always prove people wrong with what you know and giving them your own two cents about what you know and what you believe in. The truth will set you free, and we all see the light in the form of answers in a different form.